Four ways to fight the good fight!
Involved in COVID-19 research or simply getting back to the lab to restart your work? We've got you covered, Rainin style.
Simply do one of the following to qualify for a Rainin Research Warrior T-shirt:
• Place an order for $5,000
• Purchase a new SmartCheck
• Become a new service customer and request $1,000 or more of calibration services
• Buy 2 XLS+ Starter Kits
Simply fill out the information below including your Sales Order number and we will ship you a free Rainin T-shirt!

Tell us where to send them

Program Rules:For USA customers and accounts only. You have four ways to qualify for a free T-shirt: (1) place a $5,000 or larger product order, (2) purchase a SmartCheck, (3) be a new service customer and order $1,000 or more of calibration services and (4) order two or more pipette starter kits. Offer valid for orders occurring on or after June 14, 2020. Qualification rules: product orders must have a total value equal to or greater than $5,000 (excluding tax and fees), new service customers are customer who have not ordered Rainin calibration services for at least twelve months and they must order a minimum of $1,000 of calibration services, order any two Rainin XLS+ pipette starter kits. One t-shirt per sales order number. Combining orders is not allowed. To process your request you must provide your Sales Order number. T-shirts will ship within 2-4 weeks of receipt of your information. Offer expires August 31, 2020 or while supplies last. We do not guarantee T-shirt availability and there will be no exchanges of any kind. T-shirt availability is strictly first come, first serve. Rainin reserves the right to substitute different T-shirt sizes as supplies become exhausted

Are you confident your pipettes are doing their job? Let the new SmartCheck tell you…takes only a minute. Click here for more information
Rainin Style